The Astronomer Peter Kolb

Even before I’ve been living in Cape Town, South Africa, I was interested in South African history. As a German astronomer, my interest later focused particularly on research relations between Germany and Southern-Africa, and here especially in the field of astronomy.

One such connection existed at the beginning of the 18th century, when the astronomer Peter Kolb moved to (nowadays) Cape Town, to help to establish a new research network between German, South African and other nation’s astronomers. I’ve labelled this „The von Krosigk Project“, named after Bernhard Friedrich von Krosigk, an aristocrat who co-initiated and funded this initiative.

Within the last years, together with many other researchers, I’ve been able to locate a lot of resources for research about this period and the people involved back then.

Please, if you are interested in Peter Kolb, his activities and the surrounding circumstances, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Lehrkraft an der GGS St. Jürgen in Lübeck